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Nonchalant Girls artwork

Hand Drawn Illustration

Zani Sizani's Exhibition cover

"Let's Dance"

We dance on our mountain.

"Dance My Sista"
Pen sketch, photomontage

A series of artworks that celebrate women dancing and expressing themselves in South Africa. A reimagining of South African spaces and the women who built it.

"Girls Of Nollywood"
Pen sketch 

A series of artworks based on early 2000s Nollywood stars. This series reflects a nonchalant, care-free and joyous energy I like to embody in my art.

"Queer Activist Anthology Volume 4."
Digital Illustration

A call for illustrators to interpret a story and produce an illustration that either

represents the story as a whole or a certain aspect/aspects of the story. The story I was given to illustrate was Around the Mugumo Tree by Sar Alex W. Kagendo from Kenya. The illustrations below show the progress of the development of the visuals.

"Women Of Power"
Pen and digital art 

#FlexYourCreativeFreedom Competition called for artists to submit mural designs inspired by the Constitution Hill women's jail and the work done by We The People. The illustrations below show the progress of the development of the visuals from the digital render to the final illustration. 

"Miriam Makeba"
Pen and photo montage

Miriam Makeba, the mother of South African jazz and an activist against the apartheid state in South Africa depicted embodying the joy and light she brought to the world, in front of a warm and static background of collaged images that highlight her and her art.

Pen and digital render

This artwork depicts black joy in movement with an ethereal moon illuminating the background. This symbolises the connection our natural bodies have to the earth and the celestrial bodies that goven how nature interacts with us.

"An Artist"
Pen and photo montage

This artwork depicts the artist draped in a traditional Xhosa blanket and placed in the urban city centre of Johannesburg. The centre of black South African culture, music and art. This articulates the need to highlight and represent indigenous artists in the centre of the narrative as they create drawing from their history and culture.

"Let The Girls Dance"
Pen and digital render

Instagram Exhibition cover

"Is It Clear?"
Pen and photo montage

In a time where we bear witness to such extreme injustice, both in our country and throughout the world, it’s important to reflect societal anger and frustration in art. I’m trying to apply my imagination and my skills to the rebuilding, to the bodies that take up space and deserve ownership of space. To the cities that were not made for us that we reclaim and remake. To the merging of beliefs and the undoing of borders, separations and divides. These worlds are borderless as bodies should be.

The Cost Of Care: Cape Town Budget Campaign
Photo montage

Cape Town and it’s indigenous storytellers on the mountains carved by their ancestors. A re-imagining of a future, a parallel present and an alternative history. This artwork of a natural landscape and re-imagined bodies and identities that interest me in space, in cities of our own design. The tension and relationships between landscape, buildings and bodies, the bodies that build, the buildings that breath, these are my new subjects and I’m exploring relationality to the cities in South Africa, to indeginous bodies and the embodiment of this country through the creation of these worlds. 

Moya Publication submission:
Watercolour art/Pen sketch/Photo montage

A design of liveable urban and indigenous landscapes that can exist if we’re allowed to make them. The imagined city represented in my artwork contains many textures and colours as well as manipulation to scale which represents warmth and ethereality. Colour represents a spiritual energy driven by the presence of the moon, sky and water. The co-existence of the traditional architecture in the village and the heavy concrete structures representing city life showcases a longing for ancestral connection and a return to fundamental cultural practices needed for the spiritual enriching of black souls. In the foreground there is a black body represented in no tonal range to eliminate the irrelevance of shade but highlight the importance of black beauty, movement, stillness and lightness. All states that black people exist in but so rarely depicted in. A city where there is a strong tie between tradition and modernity.

Moya Publication submission:
Watercolour art/Pen sketch/Photo montage

This is a celebration of nonchalance, colour and nature.

4th Street call for creators submission:
Photo montage

Top 10 creator.

Hand Drawn:
Watercolour art/Pen sketch/Pencil sketch

My art collection

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